Many couples remain living in the same home during the divorce process, and it is very challenging. This article will summarize best practices suggested by a website devoted to providing support and solutions for thriving beyond divorce, with the source here:
Talk with your children.
- It is important for both you and your spouse to explain what is happening and to reassure children that although things are changing, you both love them and are committed to making sure that they are supported and cared for.
Take the roommate approach and establish boundaries.
- Discuss how your home will be divided so that each person has privacy.
- Get your own room.
- Respect boundaries and demand respect for yours.
Create a parenting schedule.
- Even though you are all under one roof, you are now coparents and need to determine what the parenting schedule is and stick to it.
Embrace a new normal.
- Living together gives you and the children the opportunity to adjust slowly to a new normal. You can model for your children resilience to change and adaptability that may help them adjust positively to their new normal.
Practice self-care.
- Your physical, emotional, social and professional well-being are paramount for you to navigate the divorce process and be a leader to help your children successfully navigate their new normal also. Do not be afraid to focus on yourself and do what you need to do, whether that be therapy, exercise, relaxation, etc. to take care of your own well-being.
Contact an Experienced Divorce Attorney
The divorce process can be challenging, but finding great legal counsel you can trust can help reduce the stress. At the Law Office of David Knecht, we have extensive experience with divorce all other family law matters. Contact us at 707-451-4502.