Top 3 Things to Look for in Your Criminal Defense Attorney

Finding yourself in need of a defense attorney can be an instantly stressful and upsetting situation.  Knowing that you need to choose a criminal defense attorney can be daunting.  Here are the top 3 things to look for in your criminal defense attorney so that you feel more confident facing your upcoming legal battle:

  • Qualifications.  Begin by searching for a defense attorney that has the qualifications necessary to meet your individual needs.  Any defense attorney should be first qualified to take your case based on their education and their accreditation with the local bar association.   What organizations and associations if the lawyer a member of?  You not only want a lawyer in good standing, but looking for one that stays involved in various law organizations and associations could indicate they put forth the time to stay educated in current cases and changes in the law.
  • Experience.  You must choose a defense attorney that has experience.  Look for an attorney that not only has been in practice for awhile, but one that has specifically worked on cases similar to yours.  You should feel free to ask any potential attorney about similar cases they have worked on as well as the expected results.  A lawyer that specifically works on criminal defense cases and ones that have the same criteria as yours should be able to give you detailed information about what will happen next.  During your initial consultation with a defense attorney they should not promise you results.  Look for an attorney that is open and upfront with you about what the process could entail both good and bad.  A criminal case can bring with it anything from an easy settlement to a long drawn out court battle.  Look for an attorney that has experience with both and who is open with you about how the details of your case look and what to expect.
  • Reputation.  Knowing the reputation of the attorneys you are interviewing will help you narrow your list of possibilities.  While each attorney client relationship is different, you can gain a lot of insight about an attorney based on their reputation.  Know what you are looking for and find it based on their reputation.  If you are specific qualities or attributes you want your attorney to have you can often find them in the references and referrals of others and based on the reputation the attorney has.

The time and circumstances that may force you into choosing a defense attorney are often not ideal.  Remember the important key factors will help you to narrow down your selection based on important criteria.  Knowing that the attorney is qualified, experienced in the area related to your case, and has a reputation of serving their clients well are the most important criteria you should use in making your selection.  As you narrow down your choices take the time to meet with the attorney or attorneys that you feel can best serve your case.  As you talk with them you’ll get a better feel for how your own confidence level and working relationship with them will be.  When you find one you feel confident in working with, that’s the attorney you should choose.