What happens when I get a DUI or DWI?

We all make mistakes and we will all, at some point, be caught. If you have been charged with Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) or Driving Under the Influence (DUI) there are some things that you should know. How do you know that you were treated fairly? How do you know if the arresting officers acted appropriately? Many people do not know what to expect or what their rights are when the get a DUI or a DWI, this article will help answer a few basic questions.

Q. What are some common ways to defend yourself against a DUI charge?

DUI and DWI arrests and charges vary from case to case. Some of the most common ways for fighting a charge of DUI or DWI involve showing:

  • A mistake was made in procedure by the officers at the time of the DUI or DWI arrest.
  • When your blood alcohol content, or BAC, level was taken after the original stop.
  • The original reason for the traffic stop was invalid.

Q. How are my driving privileges affected?

Typically if you are arrested for a DUI or DWI, the arresting officer will confiscate your license. Your driver license will be returned to you at the end of the suspension or revocation, provided you pay a reissue fee to the DMV. Be aware that your license may have been temporarily suspended.

Q. Can I hire an attorney to help me?

Yes! Hiring an attorney to help you fight a DUI or DWI charge may be the best choice of action. An experienced attorney such as David Knecht at davidknechtlaw.com, has experience with courts and procedures that can be the difference in your case.

Q. Is there anything that I can do to help prove my case?

There are several things that you can do to help the attorney help you. Often times people will quickly plead guilty to the charges they were arrested on. This can be detrimental to any help that a lawyer could offer you. Once you plead guilty in a DUI or DWI case, it is very difficult to withdraw that plea.

Remember and/or write down any and all details of your incident that you can remember. Each detail that you can provide an attorney can help that attorney to make a case in your favor. Even facts that you think may be insignificant can play a role in your case.

There is no reason that you should have to fight a DUI or a DWI all by yourself. An experienced attorney such as David Knecht at Davidknechtlaw.com, can be in your corner and make sure that your rights are represented. We all make mistakes but don’t let the outcome of your mistakes linger longer than they should. Visit Davidkknechtlaw.com for more information and legal help.