What is Litigation? Everything you need to know before getting litigation counsel

Whatever the circumstances that have led to your involvement in legal proceedings, unless you have a background in law or justice you will probably find a lot of unfamiliar law terms and procedures. Without knowing what these terms mean, it can be hard to know what is going on with your case and what you should expect at each step of the court process.

At the Law Offices of David W. Knecht, we strongly believe that you should be properly informed about your case and its progress. Furthermore, we are committed to making sure that not only do you have the right information about what kind of case you are involved in, but that you also fully understand the information so that you know the full implications of your situation. With this in mind we would like to offer a clear and simple explanation of one key legal term that people hear a lot, but may not be able to articulate exactly what it is.

Litigation is a kind of law practice that focusses on the resolution of disputes through the legal system. What are known as “tort” case—when one party alleges that another party has in some way infringed upon their rights or caused them damages—very commonly involve litigation. However, litigation crops up in lots of other types of cases, too; such as family law, divorce proceedings, and probate cases. The defining feature of litigation is that there is an issue being disputed.

You could think of the idea of a lawsuit as a litmus test for whether a case will entail litigation. If you were buying a house and required an attorney to look over the sale contract, you would not want him to sue the seller so there would be no litigation involved. If, on the other hand, you had bought a house and then discovered that your new neighbour was planning to rent out their backyard as a twenty-four hour rehearsal space for death-metal bands, you might consider preventing them from doing that with a lawsuit. This would mean litigation.

Sometimes litigation does mean that your dispute will end up being decided in court, but in reality most litigation cases are settled somewhere along the way—perhaps by a demand letter, or during the subsequent negotiations. This saves potentially huge amounts of money in court costs and legal fees, not to mention your time.

David Knecht has vast experience in the field and is dedicated achieving the best result for his clients. Call Mr. Knecht today to discuss your case.