Many people considering divorce are fearful of the cost and how the expense of a divorce may negatively impact their future long-term. This article will help provide suggestions on how to save money on a California divorce.
- Prepare and Organize Your Information. If you prepare and organize your information in advance of meeting with your attorney, your meeting with him or her will be more effective. You can make a list of all your assets and liabilities. You can do research online to assess the value of your home, vehicles, and other assets. When you organize this information into a concise summary, you will be better prepared to have an efficient discussion.
- Give Consideration to Your Priorities, Questions and Concerns. Many issues in divorce require careful thought and consideration so that you can establish your ideal outcome. For example, what would be the best custody arrangement for your schedule? Where would you like to live now and in the future? What assets are important to you to keep and what do you not mind selling? Your attorney will certainly be invested in helping you achieve your ideal outcome, but in order to do that he or she will need to work with you to find out what that target is.
- Choose a Support Person. Decide a support person who can be there for you when you need impartial advice, a shoulder to cry on, or just a listening ear. This support person will be essential in helping you process the many emotions involved in a divorce. This will save you money by helping you set reasonable goals, make good decisions, and keep the time you are paying your attorney focused.
- Communicate in Writing When Possible. One way to save cost in any legal case is to communicate in writing, when it makes sense. If you need to send your attorney a quick thought or note, an email or text can be quicker and cheaper than a phone call.
- Choose Your Attorney Carefully. One of the most important ways to save money in a divorce is to hire an attorney who is experienced in family law. Some people are tempted to hire a friend or family member who is a lawyer with the idea that they may get a better deal going with someone they know. Unfortunately, when you hire someone who does not have experience, you may be spending more money because they may have to come up to speed on family law issues on your dime.
Consult with the Law Office of David Knecht
If you want a lawyer who is effective, efficient and experienced, while still being cognizant of cost, please contact the attorneys at the Law Office of David Knecht, at 707-451-4502.