How To Take Charge of Your Divorce

Going through a divorce can be a stressful time, but there are several steps you can take to prepare to make your best case.  Organization and preparation are the keys to reducing anxiety and having a successful outcome.

4 Steps you should follow to prepare yourself for a divorce hearing


  • Organize all of your assets


This is the first and a very important step that should not be overlooked. Make sure you make a list of all the family assets, including bank accounts, stocks, real estate and all other marital assets. The list should date back a few years so that you do not miss out on any crucial information. The judge may order a disclosure of assets, so having this information organized and ready will be vital. Sharing this information with your attorney early in the case will help your counsel more effectively represent you.  


  • Organize your evidence


Before reaching a verdict the court will take everything into account. This encompasses all the evidence that proves why the case should swing your way. Evidence that will be considered admissible in court typically includes emails, messages and some verbal statements.  Make sure you keep your cool and don’t start bad mouthing your spouse during a court hearing. Keep in mind that everything you say or do can be used against you in court.


  • Determine Your Plan for the Interim


The process typically includes the judge issuing a temporary order, which tells you what to do until the divorce is final. You should be prepared to tell the judge what temporary arrangements you think would be best and why.  The issues you should consider would likely include temporary child support, temporary parenting plan, where each spouse will live, temporary spousal support, use of vehicles, costs of health care and hospitalization, whether a protective order is necessary.  These issues aren’t simple, but are very important. For example, staying in the family home may feel awkward, but in some cases your presence may be comforting to your children and the discomfort of having you in the home may incentivize your spouse to settle quickly.  Circumstances vary, so you should weigh the pros and cons of each of these factors carefully and consult with your attorney if you have one.   


  • Hire a competent family attorney


Most people hire the first attorney that they come across which could prove to be fatal to your case. Although attorneys don’t come cheap, it is recommended that you do not try to cut costs when deciding on your attorney. The more competent and experienced your attorney is, the better the chance of your winning your divorce hearing. So, carefully select your attorney, keeping in perspective his or her previous experiences and client’s feedback.

If you follow the steps given above you will be better prepared to take charge of your divorce.
