Men:  Who to Turn To If You Can’t Save Your Marriage and Divorce Is Imminent

Men, we know that it can be rough on you when you want to save your marriage, but you feel like there are issues that just can’t be resolved. When you reach that point, you may wonder what you should do to plan for the future.  Who should you turn to? This article will help you navigate the troubles that may come your way soon.

It’s never too early to educate yourself:  Consult an attorney who is experienced in divorce law.

Knowledge is power.  So, whether you’ve made the final decision or whether you are still in the mix of determining what to do, it’s never too early to consult with someone who can give you advice about your exact circumstances and assets. Here are some things you’ll want to discuss:

  • Children: discuss with your attorney how you can plan custody to best accommodate your work schedule and other commitments.
    • For example, what is your work schedule?  What is your spouse’s work schedule or does she primarily take care of the kids? Do you plan to move out of state?
  • Assets: Divorce is expensive for both parties because the assets will be split. Talk with your attorney about the assets you have and your preferred means of managing them in a divorce.
    • For example, do you want to sell the home or keep one spouse in it? Do you have a preference on dividing the cars?  Are there assets that have sentimental value or are meaningful to you in a way that goes beyond their monetary value?
  • Debts:  If you have school loans, car loans, credit card debt, mortgage debt, or any other kinds of debts, you need to plan for the division of these debts with your attorney.
    • Consider in advance any court costs that will be involved in the divorce, mediation fees, and legal fees.

Protect Your Mental Health and Amp up Your Physical Well-Being:  Turn to friends and family and other trusted advisors for encouragement.   

Plan for a tough time ahead. No matter how bad a marriage is, a divorce can still take a toll on both parties because it is a change. Things will be different.

  • Understand and anticipate powerful emotions.  During a divorce you may experience greater emotions of isolation, discouragement, despair, anger or bitterness.  Prepare for this by bolstering your own mental toughness.
    • Reach out to old friends. Go to lunch or the gym. Remember the good times.
    • Although you may not want to tell your family that divorce is imminent, it doesn’t hurt to contact them and renew family bonds so that those relationships are close for when you need the support.
  • Amp up your physical health. It’s common for men to forego their regular exercise or to take on bad eating habits during stressful events in their lives, and a divorce is commonly a stressful event that takes its toll on men’s health.
    • Do what works for you to keep yourself feeling good. Whether that’s setting fitness or nutrition goals, or working out with a buddy, or finding more time to be in nature, or running, etc., you need to do what works best for you personally to maintain good health.

Hard times are an inevitable part of a man’s life, and many guys will confirm that a divorce can be challenging.  If you prepare yourself with knowledge, protect your mental health, and amp up your physical well-being, you will be in a strong position to make the most out of the divorce process.