How to Take Charge of Your Custody Battle Without Losing Your Mind

If you are like most parents, your kids are the most important people in your life.  They are adorable and irreplaceable, and you would do anything for them.  If you are going to battle with an itinerant ex-spouse to determine the fate of your precious ones, then you need every arrow in your quiver possible.  This guide will help you understand the what you need to do to be successful in a custody battle.

  1. Understand the rules of the game.  Courts have broad discretion to protect the best interest of the children, which includes each child’s health, safety, education and general welfare.  Courts can take into account any number of factors such as the following:


  • evidence of abuse or neglect,
  • the age of the child
  • sibling relationships
  • degree of attachment between parent and child


Courts cannot take into account the gender or race of the parent.  One parent’s financial ability can’t be the sole factor in a custody decision. 


  • Be your best self.  During a custody battle, you actions and the words that come out of your mouth will be under a microscope.  Be careful of the way you behave with the ex-spouse and also with the children.  It goes without saying that any type of threatening or violent behavior should not occur, but also you should proactively behave as if the judge were observing you at all times.  Speak courteously to the ex.  Try not to take unreasonable positions. When you are with your child, give them your quality time.  If there are ways you can make yourself a better parent through overcoming addictions or seeking more education, look to improving yourself as a parent.  Taking the high road is not only the right thing to do, but it will give you an edge in getting the custody you seek.


  • Pinpoint Areas of disagreement with the ex-spouse.  In any legal case, you need to put yourself in the shoes of the opposing party.  Don’t just get frustrated with what they do, but look deeper to try to understand why.  If you can get to the why, then you will be one step closer to finding a resolution that will be acceptable to both parties.  If the issue is unresolvable, then by understanding your ex, you will be better able to fight them in court.  For example, if your ex-spouse wants a different schedule, look at why he or she is taking that position?  Is there a work schedule reason?  Is there a grandparent or otherwise, whose schedule is playing into your spouse’s mindset?  If you can get beneath the surface to understand your opponent’s arguments, then you have a better chance of a successful outcome.


  • Gather evidence and document everything.  Your word that the other person is a bad parent is not as convincing as solid evidence.  If a child care worker, neighbor, teacher has observed your ex-spouse abusing or mistreating the child, then have them document that observation.  Consult with your attorney on the best way to preserve this evidence, but don’t pass up the opportunity to memorialize important evidence. If your spouse has sent you malicious emails, organize those in a file for your attorney.  If your spouse has posted damaging comments on social media, screen shot that information and share it with your attorney.  It takes extra work to be organized and document everything, but in many cases that time in preparation pays off.


  • Consult with professionals.  If you feel your children are suffering from the custody battle, don’t hesitate to get them counseling.  If you need someone to talk to, turn to a trusted friend, look into community resources for counseling, or find a professional counselor who can help you.  It’s not uncommon to have a high stress level during a custody battle, and you can seek help.  Hire an attorney that you trust and who will be zealous in advocating your interests.



3 Ways You Can Help Yourself in Your Upcoming Divorce Hearing

Whether you have an attorney or are representing yourself, you want to be prepared to have the best possible outcome in any divorce hearing.  This article will discuss three steps that are always important in preparing for any court appearance:

1. Know Your Goal.   You need to understand what the purpose of the hearing is and clearly identify your goal for the proceeding. Emotions often run strong during a divorce, and sadness and anger are almost inevitably going to occupy the minds of both parties and take your focus away from getting what you want. To achieve a successful outcome, you need to think through your strategy:  

  • What options are likely to be an outcome of this hearing?
  • How does this hearing play into your overall strategy for getting what you want in the divorce?
  • What would a third party consider fair?

If you have a good idea of what will be accomplished in this hearing, then you can do your part to keep on track and laser focused to achieving your ends.

2. Get Organized.  Your anxiety will be less if you know when and where you need to be in court and what will happen.  Leave plenty of time to get there.  Arrange for child care in advance if you have children. If your attorney has requested any documents, get them to him or her well in advance of the hearing date.  If you are representing yourself, make sure you have identified what you need and bring several copies of each document. Here’s a short checklist:

 3. Look and Behave Professionally.  Impressions are very important, and even if you are represented by counsel, you want to look and act professionally. The judge and/or staff will make unconscious judgments of your clothing, appearance and demeanor. Wear attire that would be presentable for a business or business casual setting and something you feel comfortable in. Be wary of showing any hostile gestures: speak calmly and avoid glaring or sarcastic looks.  

Knowing your goal, getting organized and looking and behaving professionally are simple tips that are easy to implement, but they will help you succeed in having a great outcome at your hearing.  


10 Essentials to Make Sure You Come Out on Top In Your Divorce Hearin

In a divorce case, the hearings can vary, but the principles outlined below will help you come out on top regardless of the type of hearing you will be participating in.

  1. Know the Type of Hearing.  The most important step in preparing for a successful hearing is asking your attorney to explain to you the type of hearing that you will have and what will be expected from you.  For example, and initial calendar call and meet and confer may be fairly simple.  Further down the line, if you end up in a trial, you may need significant preparation.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions and to know before you go whether your attorney plans to have you testify, and if so, what topics will be covered.  Preparation is the most important key to success.
  2. Be On Time.  Being on time seems like a simple plan, but it is surprising how many people struggle with being on time to a court hearing.  You need to plan extra time for traffic, finding your way, and parking.  You do not want to be rushed.  In many courtrooms, you will need to leave your cell phone and any other electronic devices in the car.  If you want to bring those items in, plan extra time, in case you are told no, and sent back to your car.
  3. Look Professional.  Your appearance is the first impression any attorney or judge will get from you, so make sure that you are clean, neat, and professional.
  4. Be Organized.  If your attorney hasn’t already collected the relevant documents from you and has requested that you bring certain documentation to court, then it’s imperative that you remember to bring it.  Make extra copies so that you have enough to share.  Have them organized so that you can easily find what you are looking for.
  5. Don’t Expect to Be the Only Case.  Some parties are disappointed to find out that they aren’t the only case of the day.  There are often many cases on the docket, and you likely won’t have a choice about when yours is heard.  When you know what to expect, you can come with the patience to approach your hearing in a calm and collected manner.  A cool demeanor will present you and your case in the best light.
  6. Know Your Facts.  You need to read and understand everything that has happened, everything that has been filed on your behalf, and everything that your attorney may want you to testify about.  You are the expert on your own case and you can leverage that expertise to assist your attorney in representing you well.
  7. Know and Understand Everything Your Spouse’s Attorney has Filed. In addition to knowing your own facts, you need to know where and how your spouse’s story differs from yours.  Understanding his or her arguments will help you and your attorney to work together to show why your version of the facts is correct.
  8. Tell the Truth.  If you are telling a story at the dinner table, a little embellishment might make the tale better.  In court, stick with the cold, hard truth. It is difficult for the other side to poke holes in the truth.  If you exaggerate or outright lie, you expose yourself to impeachment, which will only reflect poorly on you and your case.
  9. Be Reasonable.  Divorce cases can be highly emotional because they involve finances and children, broken promises and shattered dreams.  Remember that your divorce hearing isn’t therapy.  You are here to get the best outcome.  Consider ahead of time what an acceptable settlement would be and discuss that with your attorney.  Try to think ahead about what your ex-spouse’s sticking points will be and strategize with your counsel on how to overcome his or her objections. Although challenging, try to think of the hearing as a business negotiation rather than a war with your ex.
  10. Prepare with Intellect not Emotion.  Use your head and not your heart in a divorce hearing.  Understand and anticipate the type of hearing it will be and cater your arguments to the type that will be well-received by the court.  For example:
    • Child custody – In a child custody case, the focus will be on the health, education, safety, general welfare of the child.  Any argument or testimony should be focused on the best interest of the child, and anything that appears revenge-motivated or manipulative will only reflect poorly on the party presenting it.
    • Temp child support or spousal support – In a temp child support or spousal support where the worker is an employee, this will typically be decided by a mathematical formula, but if self-employment or fluctuating income are involved, this may require more preparation to present to the Court what appropriate spousal support should be.

If you follow the advice in this article, you will likely be well-prepared for a successful hearing.  The most important tip, though, is to thoroughly consult with your attorney so that he or she can guide you in the specifics of your case.

Don’t Do These 3 Things When Looking for a Divorce Attorney

The stakes are high in a divorce, since it involves your children and your assets.  For many people, it is their first experience with the legal system, and they aren’t sure where to start.  Good representation is essential for navigating the system, and avoiding these three mistakes when looking for a divorce attorney will help you have the best outcome:

  • Hiring an Attorney Who Is Not Experienced in Divorce. 

If you have an acquaintance or relative who is an attorney, you might think that he or she would be your best pick since you know and trust them.  While that relationship is valuable, you need to also consider the attorney’s knowledge and experience.  The practice of law can be very broad, and while one attorney may be a wiz at contracts and another at patents, you want to find someone who really knows the in’s and out’s of divorce.  You want someone who knows the judges and mediators in your area and who is comfortable helping you understand and thrive in the system.  One mistake some people make is assuming that all lawyers are about the same in handling a divorce, when in reality, an experienced attorney with years of practice in divorce specifically will give you an edge in your case.

  • Failing to Consider Whether Billing is Flat Rate or Hourly.

Money matters and should be one of your most important up-front considerations.  Your attorney will typically charge you either a flat fee or an hourly billing rate.  There are pros and cons to either option.  With a flat fee, you have the certainty of knowing up front how much your case will cost.  Typically, an attorney comes up with the flat fee price by taking about the average cost of various divorce cases, so by nature, some clients who choose the flat fee option will be overpaying and some who take the flat fee option will be underpaying.  The incentive in a flat fee case for your attorney will be to resolve it quickly and simply, which may impact your attorney’s enthusiasm for litigation or for responding to communications. Alternatively, with an hourly billing rate your pay for the time your attorney works on the case, which typically includes any time reading or answering emails, drafting documents, communicating with staff about your case, or appearing on your behalf. The upside of this billing system is that your attorney is incentivized to go the extra mile because you are paying for each step. The downside is that the bills can add up quickly, and you may end up paying more than you had budgeted.  You should discuss the billing method up front with your attorney, and you should share your thoughts and concerns openly with your attorney to decide the best billing method for your case.

  • Forgetting to Consider Your Attorney’s Negotiating Style

There is no single cookie-cutter style that will be effective for all situations.  Some attorneys are very aggressive, intimidating, and loud-spoken, and these “bull-dog” style attorneys can be effective if you are looking for an attorney who will send a strong message to the other side.  Other attorneys are more conciliatory, and can use their negotiating tactics to facilitate excellent settlements that the mroe aggressive attorneys may find challenging to broker. Another type of attorney may be less impressive in person, but may be extremely well-versed in the system or have excellent writing skills which make them very useful in a case where those skills are needed. You are in the best position to know yourself and your ex-spouse.  Don’t just assume that the loudest attorney on the block is the best. Consider whether your case will be more adversarial or more cooperative, think about your personal preferences, and choose the attorney whose skills are the right fit for you.

In Summary

Have confidence that you can find the right attorney for you and your case. You just need to find someone with the right kind of experience, figure out the most economical and effective billing strategy, and connect with the attorney who has the best skill-set for your particular personality and circumstances, and you will be in a good place to make the divorce process as successful as possible.


How To Take Charge of Your Divorce

Going through a divorce can be a stressful time, but there are several steps you can take to prepare to make your best case.  Organization and preparation are the keys to reducing anxiety and having a successful outcome.

4 Steps you should follow to prepare yourself for a divorce hearing


  • Organize all of your assets


This is the first and a very important step that should not be overlooked. Make sure you make a list of all the family assets, including bank accounts, stocks, real estate and all other marital assets. The list should date back a few years so that you do not miss out on any crucial information. The judge may order a disclosure of assets, so having this information organized and ready will be vital. Sharing this information with your attorney early in the case will help your counsel more effectively represent you.  


  • Organize your evidence


Before reaching a verdict the court will take everything into account. This encompasses all the evidence that proves why the case should swing your way. Evidence that will be considered admissible in court typically includes emails, messages and some verbal statements.  Make sure you keep your cool and don’t start bad mouthing your spouse during a court hearing. Keep in mind that everything you say or do can be used against you in court.


  • Determine Your Plan for the Interim


The process typically includes the judge issuing a temporary order, which tells you what to do until the divorce is final. You should be prepared to tell the judge what temporary arrangements you think would be best and why.  The issues you should consider would likely include temporary child support, temporary parenting plan, where each spouse will live, temporary spousal support, use of vehicles, costs of health care and hospitalization, whether a protective order is necessary.  These issues aren’t simple, but are very important. For example, staying in the family home may feel awkward, but in some cases your presence may be comforting to your children and the discomfort of having you in the home may incentivize your spouse to settle quickly.  Circumstances vary, so you should weigh the pros and cons of each of these factors carefully and consult with your attorney if you have one.   


  • Hire a competent family attorney


Most people hire the first attorney that they come across which could prove to be fatal to your case. Although attorneys don’t come cheap, it is recommended that you do not try to cut costs when deciding on your attorney. The more competent and experienced your attorney is, the better the chance of your winning your divorce hearing. So, carefully select your attorney, keeping in perspective his or her previous experiences and client’s feedback.

If you follow the steps given above you will be better prepared to take charge of your divorce.


How to Make Sure You Find the Right Divorce Attorney

No one signed their marriage certificate thinking that it would be ending in a messy divorce one day. While there is no way to plan for a divorce or prepare yourself or your children for the process of dissolving your marriage, here are three questions to ask yourself to make sure you find the right divorce attorney.

Does your attorney understand your needs?

No matter if  the most important part of your settlement be a smooth division of your bank accounts or custody of your children and potential child support payments, your attorney should understand what is of the utmost importance to you. In addition to your divorce, you should be sure that your attorney can also handle any type of visitation and support and in more extreme cases, restraining order and changes in custody. Since children are involved in many divorce cases, your lawyer should also understand the need to delicately balance the conflict and establish boundaries to minimize the hardship for everyone involved.

Is your attorney experienced?

Since no two divorces are the same, it is important to make sure you choose a lawyer and a firm with extensive experience in several areas of family law in addition to divorce. The Law Offices of David Knecht has solid experience in all types of family law including child custody and visitation, child and spousal support, and restraining orders. Having an experienced lawyer also means that they will be able to advise you on the most cost-effective solution for your particular divorce and get things filed and completed quickly.

Can your attorney help you in other areas of your life?

A big life change like a divorce can lead you to consider other immediate or future legal needs. Once your divorce is settled and finalized, knowing that your attorney could possibly provide future legal counsel is a great benefit. Look into other services your lawyer can offer such as drawing up wills or living trusts. While it may seem daunting to take on a new task like estate planning, you may be so comfortable with your lawyer that you will be able to tackle it following your divorce or set up a date in the near future.

Though divorce may not be an easy or quick process, having the right attorney can definitely make it simpler, more cost-effective, and less strenuous for everyone involved.

Problems with Your Divorce? 5 Ways to Come Out On Top

When people ask if you are having problems with your divorce, the right question might actually be “Is anything actually going right with your divorce?” However to ease the pain and difficulty of the divorce process, here are 5 ways to come out a much better and mature individual:

Try to maintain a professional demeanor

Perhaps one of the main contributors to your divorce includes the fact that you and your spouse have a hard time being civil toward one another, let alone professional.

It can be hard to maintain a professional and mature demeanor throughout your divorce proceedings, however striving to portray those two characteristics throughout the entire process will help things run much smoothly, regardless of how your future ex-spouse behaves.

Know your strengths and weaknesses, at least when it comes to finances

Even if your spouse was the one in the family who balanced the books, you can still get up to speed and know your finances better than ever before sitting down with a divorce lawyer. Knowing your financial strengths and weaknesses before your marriage will also help you improve your spending and saving habits for after the divorce is finalized.

Keep your head above water

While it may feel like so many things are out of your control and money is flying out of your bank account in more directions than you can keep track of, KEEP TRACK OF IT!

Staying out of debt is an important way to come out on top during your divorce and make sure that you are set up for your new single life. Though you may have more expenses than you expect, planning wisely can help keep your head above water through your divorce as well as the first twelve months that follow.

Remember the only two certain things in life

Whether its death, taxes or both, you need to also focus on reevaluating your estate plan in the event that you will need it sooner than you think. In addition to a will, trust, durable power of attorney, and advance health care directive, make sure that you also get ahead by changing your legal documents so they are all ready for the inevitable tax deadline next April. Even if taxes are months away, arranging everything for an easy filing will save you stress later on in the year!

Don’t resign yourself to failure

Feeling that your marriage was a failure, and that you might fail in other aspects of your life, is a completely normal feeling during the divorce process. However, a divorce does not mean that you failed, or that your future is grim. 

As you stop devoting all your time and energy to fixing your marriage, you can now put all that energy into finding success in a new endeavor whether it be continuing your education, switching career paths, or learning a new hobby.