Divorce and Holidays: How to Help Yourself Enjoy the Season

The holidays are supposed to be a time of celebration, but they can be a challenging trigger if you are going through a divorce. There is no time of year where self-care is more important than the holiday season, and if you have children, see our companion article to this one about helping your children successfully navigate the holidays as well.

This article will suggest ideas originally shared in a post on PsychologyToday.com to help you take back the power and enjoy the season in spite of the challenges you face, and the memories that may be painful

Recognize your emotions and talk them out. 

  • Accept your feelings and do not feel like you have to bear them alone. Find a family member, friend or therapist to listen to you and provide support. 

Make a plan and do not isolate yourself. 

  • If you do not have your children, find something to do that will make you happy. Volunteer at a homeless shelter, support a charity, or donate your time or money to a cause. Devoting yourself to others and being busy in something bigger than yourself will help you heal. 

 Put your legal process aside, if possible

  • The legal battles of a divorce can be a heavy weight, so if possible lay this burden down for the holidays and pick it back up again in January.


 Focus on health. 

  • Taking care of your body will help you take care of your soul. Eat good foods, take a walk, dance around the living room. Avoid drowning your sorrows in alcohol, drugs or other behaviors that might temporarily numb your pain, but ultimately not give you lasting satisfaction.

 Consider your purpose

  • The holidays are a good time to reflect on family and friends and to ponder what your purpose is in life. Take time to think long term and set goals and hopes for your post-divorce life. 

Contact an Experienced Estate Divorce Attorney

Self-care is essential during the divorce litigation and after the divorce is final. At the Law Office of David Knecht, we understand the stress and concern that a divorce can bring to the parties and the families, and we want to help you successfully navigate this challenging time in your life. We have helped thousands of clients, and we want to be here for you. Contact us today at 707-451-4502.