Should I Stay or Should I Go:  Thinking About Divorce

If you are thinking about getting a divorce, you are not alone.  The decision to pull the trigger can have consequences for your finances, your family, and your freedom to move or make decision.  This article will help walk you through questions to ask an experienced divorce attorney if you are on the fence about whether you should get a divorce at all or if you are deciding when you should get a divorce.

What will be the effect on my time with children?

If you have children, your time and decision-making power for them are likely to be two of your top concerns.  Discuss with your attorney some of the typical parenting plan arrangements so that you can get an idea ahead of the divorce of the options that are best for you.

How will a divorce impact my ability to move out of state?

If you have children, a divorce can impact the ease with which you can move out of state.  Consider your long terms plans for yourself and your children, and if you prefer to settle outside the state you are currently in, then that’s definitely a topic you should discuss with your attorney.

How will divorce impact my standard of living?

Think about the property/assets that you had prior to marriage and those that were acquired during marriage.  Discuss how these will be divided.  Consider timing.  Are you or your spouse eligible for a raise or bonus in the near future.  Is now a good time or would a short wait be more or less advantageous to you?  It’s important to think in advance about the optimal timing.

What are the tax consequences?

Evaluate how taxes will likely play into the mix.  Will keeping or selling property have tax consequences?  How do the retirement accounts play in?  How will claiming the children on taxes factor in?

How adversarial is my spouse likely to be?

Planning ahead includes thinking through your spouse’s reaction to divorce and preparing to manage his or her reaction.  If you can find a fair middle ground with your and your spouse, you will both save on legal fees that come with an adversarial posture.

What would be the consequences of losing at trial?

Be sure to understand all the consequences of a plea and all the consequences of losing at trial so that you can make an informed choice.  Get the whole picture of counseling, probation, and fines.

The choice of whether to call it quits on the marriage or keep trying to work things out is a difficult one with many unknown consequences.  If you can get an idea of what you would be entitled to and how you will be impacted overall, you can make a better decision about the right way and time to end the marriage.