Is A Living Trust the Right Tool for Your Inheritance?

When planning for the future, ensuring that your assets are distributed according to your wishes is a critical step. One popular tool for estate planning in California is the revocable living trust. But is it really the best way to pass on your inheritance? Let’s explore the benefits and considerations of using a living trust, integrating insights from recent discussions and guides with information sourced from The Motley Fool.

What is a Revocable Living Trust?

A revocable living trust is a legal entity created to hold ownership of your assets. Unlike a will, which only takes effect after you die, a living trust is operational during your lifetime and can be altered or revoked at any time.

Benefits of a Living Trust

  1. Avoiding Probate: One of the most significant benefits of a living trust is that it helps your estate avoid probate. Probate is the legal process through which a will is validated and the deceased’s assets are distributed. This process can be lengthy, costly, and public. By placing assets in a living trust, you can bypass probate, allowing for a quicker and more private distribution of assets to your beneficiaries.
  2. Flexibility and Control: A living trust provides flexibility and control over your assets. You can specify how and when your beneficiaries receive their inheritance, which can be particularly useful if you have minor children or beneficiaries who may not be able to manage large sums of money responsibly.
  3. Incapacity Planning: A living trust also offers protection if you become incapacitated. If you are unable to manage your affairs due to illness or injury, your designated successor trustee can step in and manage the trust on your behalf without the need for court intervention.
  4. Privacy: Wills become public record once they go through probate, exposing your financial affairs to public scrutiny. A living trust, on the other hand, remains private, protecting your family’s privacy and financial information.

Considerations and Drawbacks

While living trusts offer many benefits, they are not without their drawbacks and considerations:

  1. Cost and Complexity: Setting up a living trust can be more expensive and complex than creating a will. There are upfront costs for drafting the trust document and ongoing costs for managing the trust. Additionally, you must retitle your assets into the name of the trust. The complexity and cost are key considerations to weigh against the benefits.
  2. Ongoing Management: A living trust requires active management. You need to ensure that any new assets acquired are transferred into the trust.
  3. Not Always Necessary: For some people, particularly those with smaller estates, the benefits of a living trust may not justify the costs and complexity. In such cases, other estate planning tools, such as a will combined with payable-on-death accounts and beneficiary designations, might be sufficient. Financial Samurai suggests evaluating your specific situation to determine if a living trust is the best solution.

When is a Living Trust the Best Option?

A living trust may be the best option if you:

  • Own property in multiple states, as it can simplify the transfer process and avoid probate in each state.
  • Have a complex family situation, such as children from multiple marriages, where you need to clearly outline your wishes to avoid disputes.
  • Want to ensure privacy for your estate and avoid the public process of probate.
  • Have minor children or beneficiaries who may not be able to manage their inheritance responsibly.

Contact a California Estate Planning Attorney

A living trust can be a powerful tool for estate planning in California. To determine if a living trust is the best way to pass on your inheritance, it’s essential to consider your unique circumstances and consult with an experienced estate planning attorney. At the Law Office of David Knecht, we have extensive experience in creating tailored estate plans that meet your specific needs and goals. Contact us today at 707-451-4502 to discuss whether a living trust is right for you and how we can help secure your legacy.

California Infant Custody Laws

Are you considering a divorce,  but you are worried about what will happen to your infant?  Although divorce is never easy, you can at least take comfort in the fact that the state’s laws are based on a standard that puts the child first:  the best interest of the child.

What is the best interest of the child?

There are many factors a judge could consider to determine what is in the best interest of the child.  These include the child’s age and health, the emotional ties to each parent and other caretakers, and each parent’s physical and emotional ability to care for the child.  These are just a few of the many factors that can roll up into the best interest of the child analysis.  

What are some factors specific to babies that a court may consider?

If a child’s health, safety and welfare are the most important priorities, then some issues specific to babies will likely be extremely important.  For example, important considerations might be whether your child is breastfed or bottlefed, the safety of the baby’s living environment, and whether both parents are capable of providing for an infant’s needs.  Infants  need much more hands-on care and careful supervision than older children, so those infant-specific needs will be part of the court’s analysis.   Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules to allow a prediction of exactly how a judge would rule in a case, but we can predict many of the factors that will likely be considered.

What is the difference between legal infant custody and physical infant custody?

Most people have heard about custody, but there are actually two types of custody:  legal custody and physical custody.  Legal custody is a parent’s authority to participate in decisions about a child’s health, welfare and education.  Physical custody is the child’s physical presence with the parent. 

Is the decision about my child’s custody always in the hands of the judge?

Many parents come to an agreement between themselves about child custody.  Sometimes a mediator is used to facilitate the negotiations.  If the parents can reach an agreement, then the next step is to take that agreement to the judge who will approve it if it is in the best interest of the child.  

Do you need to talk to a lawyer about the custody of your infant?

If you have questions or concerns about the custody of your infant or would like a consultation on any divorce related legal issue, contact the Law Office of David Knecht.  We have extensive experience in all aspects of family law and can answer your questions.  Contact us at 707-451-4502 for more information.  

Trust Auto Accident Attorneys to get you out of Misery

Auto accidents claim hundreds of lives every year. You could also be injured to an extent where you are hospitalized for a long time. Other people lose their source of livelihood and are forced to depend on their next of kin. An accident could leave you traumatized. Suddenly, you are faced with a huge hospital bill. This coupled with the fact that you were the family’s sole breadwinner can lead to a lot of emotional pressure. There is reprieve in the knowledge that you are entitled to some form of compensation. 

In order to wage a good fight for compensation, you need the help of auto accident attorneys. Here is a look at how an experienced lawyer can get you out of misery:

  • Legal assistance: An auto accident attorney is a professional who has gone to school and gained the relevant legal knowledge. Law is such a broad subject. Most attorneys prefer to specialize in respective areas such as divorce, personal injury and auto accidents. By engaging an accident attorney, you will get a chance to fight for your rights. The attorney will confront the insurance company as well as the vehicle owner. If no settlement can be arrived at, the attorney will push for the matter to go to court. Once the case is before a judge, your attorney can seek for compensation on your behalf.
  • Loss of income: When you are injured as a result of an auto accident, you may not be able to continue working as before. The injury requires medical attention. Upon leaving hospital, you have to stay at home in order to recuperate. All this time, your family will be deprived of an income which they rely on in order to survive. A good and experienced attorney will bring this to the attention of the judge and press for an adequate compensation. This is meant to cushion your family from the exposure of not having an income. It will also help keep all of you above the water.
  • Medical bills: Nowadays, most people use medical insurance to take care of their hospital visits. The nature of injuries sustained can deal a big blow to your cover or even exhaust it totally. Apart from the hospital fee, you have to pay doctors and finance the cost of drugs. Even after being discharged from hospital, you may require specialized care. All these should not have arisen had the person driving the car that hit you been extra careful. By extension, it is his/her responsibility to take care of you. With an attorney, you can claim a refund of what you have spent.
  • Suffering: Nothing can be equated to what you have been going through after the accident. You have been through a lot of pain, trauma and sometimes, feelings of hopelessness.  In order to help you get back on your feet, auto accident attorneys will see to it that the courts award you a reasonable settlement.


What Makes a California Lawyer You Can Trust

At David Knecht Law, we focus on providing our clients with honest and reliable legal services. Whether you are in need of a lawyer for family law or a lawyer for estate planning, our experienced team is here to help. We are one of the leading law firms in the Vacaville area. Our attorneys are here to guide you through your legal case, ensuring you have the right team on your side to provide you with sound advice. When you are facing any legal case, it is important to do your research and find a lawyer who will focus on offering a number of options, while encouraging you with your endeavors. Here are four things you need to consider as you seek out legal counsel.

Lawyer Experience and Expertise

One of the things you need to discuss with the lawyer is the amount of experience they have with cases similar to yours. While some lawyers have experience in multiple facets of family law, do all of them have experience with difficult divorce cases? Do they have experience in the courtroom with cases like yours? How about cases dealing with child custody issues? It is vital to spend time looking for someone who has dealt with cases like yours, and has had successful outcomes.

Communication Skills

Another thing to look for with legal cases is to focus on an attorney with excellent communication skills. If you have someone that doesn’t do well in handling communication via email, phone, or text, you may want to consider a different lawyer. It pays to hire someone you know will answer your calls and will be diligent in replying to you. If the lawyer doesn’t respond in a timely manner, it can lead to frustration and a general wondering of what is happening. Some law firms have legal assistants who will focus on replying to general inquiries and making sure their clients are in the know.

Discuss Legal Fees

The legal fees of the law firm are another important element to consider as you look at your options. Some law firms will charge for each email, text message, and phone call. Other law firms do a flat rate fee. It all depends on your case, and what you need from the law firm. Typically law offices will have you come in for a free consultation about your case, and will determine the fee amount based on the potential outcomes of your case.

Look at Client Reviews

Another way to know you have a good lawyer is to look at their client reviews. What are people saying about them? How well have they worked for other clients in the past? It is important to look into online reviews, and ask around to hear word of mouth and find out what people think about them in the area. Check with the California Bar Association as they too have information about the attorney and their win-loss record along with client reviews.

Consult with several attorneys before you hire someone to represent you. Failure to find the right lawyer can leave you in a difficult situation. It pays to work with experienced, trustworthy professionals who always put you first. Contact the Law Offices of David Knecht today to schedule a consultation.


4 Reasons David Knecht is The Right Vacaville Family Attorney

When it comes to finding the right Vacaville attorney, it is vital to go beyond a Google search to identify the right person. Hiring an attorney to represent your legal rights is one of the most important decisions you will make. Family law matters require a person you can trust, and one that will have your best interest in mind when representing you. Here are four reasons why David Knecht is the Vacaville attorney you need to represent your legal rights:

  1. Effective Communication
  2. Experience 
  3. Ethics
  4. Fees

Effective Communication with an Attorney

One of the main signs of a good attorney is one who always returns your phone calls and focuses on making sure you are in the loop. Communication problems are one of the biggest issues people cite when working with attorneys. With over three decades of family law experience, David Knecht knows how vital it is to keep the lines of communication open with clients. A good attorney will provide information about case progress. Here are some things to discuss when you meet with various attorneys:

  • What legal options available for my case?
  • What should the strategy be to approach my case?
  • What is the timeline to move forward?
  • How often will you communicate with me?
  • What type of communication methods are available and when can I expect updates on my case?

While it is expected for an attorney to be busy, it is important to know that most attorneys have several people working with them and part of their role is to assist in case updates.

Experience in Family Law

Hiring an ethical attorney is vital to your case! In 2019 alone, there were 300,000 family law petitions filed in the state of California. With family law being filled with a variety of different attorneys, how do you know you have chosen the right one?

A good attorney will have years of experience handling similar cases to yours. Family law is a complex matter. Seek out a lawyer with a skillset in your particular area. For some people, this means looking for an attorney who not only specializes in divorce cases, but also handles child custody. List out your needs to make it easier to find the right attorney for your needs.

One simple mistake such as failing to file a lawsuit on time can derail your entire case. Do yourself a favor and meet with multiple attorneys so you can be sure you have chosen someone you know you can trust.

Finding an Ethical Family Law Attorney in Vacaville

Going along with experience, you need to seek out the attorney you know will represent you ethically. David Knecht has built his firm on the foundation of trust and ethics. We don’t use improper tactics to try and win a case. We work directly with our clients to ensure we are putting together an ethical case with your best interests in mind. Some additional elements to consider about your attorney include:

  • Ability to maintain client confidence
  • Represent clients with undivided loyalty
  • Represent clients within the bounds of the law
  • Place client interests above their own

California has a disciplinary agency to ensure all attorneys are meeting the correct standards. A good attorney won’t be found on this site as they are always making sure they are practicing within the correct parameters of the law.

Read through our testimonials to learn for yourself how David Knecht maintains high client-attorney trust. We are proud to provide honest and fair family law services for Vacaville and surrounding communities.

Fair Legal Fees

When you are dealing with family law, you should always be able to understand the legal fees. When you hire an attorney, be upfront with them about your case and what you are expecting. Some of the common complaints people have about legal matters include:

  • Expensive bills
  • Bills are not itemized
  • Feeling that attorney is being paid too much for an inadequate job
  • Feeling that the paralegals did more work than the attorney
  • Nickel and diming the bill for every text message, short phone call, and other contact with the attorney or paralegals

As we have been in family law for many years, we know how infuriating it is for a client to have a large bill with no clarification or knowledge about the bill. We always discuss our legal fees with you directly so you know what to expect. In California, a written retainer is required in order to make sure all clients have a written retainer that discloses the billing system and charges. We show how you will be billed, itemize the statement, and make sure clients understand all charges. If you ever have a question pertaining to legal fees, please contact us directly at 707-451-4502.

The Law Offices of David Knecht is dedicated to providing you with the best family law services in the state. We are proud of our reputation, and always put our clients’ needs first. Contact our office to schedule a consultation or contact our office today at 707-451-4502!

3 Most Important Things to Avoid After Being Charged with DUI

Drunk driving continues to be one of the most serious crimes in the United States. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration about 1.5 million people are arrested yearly for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. First-time offenders are not always prepared to handle the legalities that start when they have been charged with a DUI. Hiring a good attorney is one of the most important things you can do as you navigate the next steps to take.

Not Contacting a DUI Attorney

Many people aren’t sure what they should and should not do following a DUI charge. In some states, you can make your situation worse by doing the breathalyzer test or volunteering information to law enforcement. An attorney will be able to help you understand what you should and should not do so you don’t make the charges worse. DUI laws are complex and do require in-depth knowledge of the legal system.

An experienced and skilled DUI attorney will have experience with cases similar to yours and will be able to create a case strategy that provides a favorable outcome. The judges are another thing to consider as some are tougher on different types of DUI cases, so you do want an attorney who has dealt with the judges previously. The right attorney knows how to effectively present the information to the court in a way the judge prefers. Always make sure you are protected and do yourself a favor and hire an experienced DUI attorney.

Social Media

After you have been charged with a DUI, avoid social media. Make sure you have set your social media account to private so the information on your accounts cannot be used against you. Unfortunately, many people make their situation worse with pictures and postings showing you with drugs or alcohol on the night of the arrest. Prosecutors often use social media accounts and pull the incriminating photos to use against you in court. Not only do the images on the account hurt your case, they can also damage your reputation. Even if you are innocent, photographs and posts are not the information you need circulating about you. Do yourself a favor and avoid social media in the wake of a DUI arrest and do not post anything!

Acting Nonchalant

Following a DUI arrest, you need to take the situation seriously. Unfortunately, too many people act nonchalant after the arrest and assume their attorney will swoop in and take care of everything. If you haven’t taken a moment to write down everything that has occurred, you can make your attorney’s job extremely difficult to negotiate the best deal possible. Here are some things you need to work on following a DUI stop:

  • When and where were you when you were stopped?
  • Why did the officer stop you?
  • Did you take a breath test? What did the device look like?
  • Did you tell the officer anything about what you ate or drank?
  • What tests did the officer do in addition to the breath test? Did you do a eye tracking test, talk and turn, and one leg stand?

Taking a few minutes to go over everything and writing it down can help your attorney work on your case. The Law Offices of David Knecht Law in Vacaville has extensive experience in criminal law. Our team is here to help. Contact our office for a consultation.

3 Characteristics of The Best Divorce Attorneys

What makes the best divorce attorney in Vacaville? When you are searching for the right person to represent you and your rights, it pays to do a little research. At David Knecht Law, we represent your legal rights and focus on ensuring your voice is heard in the court of law. Here are our three recommendations as to what makes a good attorney.


The MOST important quality of a good divorce attorney is having the ability to communicate with their clients. If you meet your attorney once, and never hear from them again, except when it’s time to pay the bill, you did not choose the right person. You can tell if the attorney will be difficult to deal with based on how they interact with you. If they always cut you off before you finish a sentence, or they do not explain things clearly, move on. 


Divorce is one of the most difficult things to deal with, and many clients are not emotionally ready to start making challenging, life-altering decisions. No matter how amicable the relationship is between you and your ex, it is important to cover yourself and make sure you are making the right decisions. Your attorney will show empathy for your situation, but they will also be compassionate to you and will help you through this journey. Their job is to focus on helping you navigate through the divorce and they will do so without judgement or disrespect. 

During the time you are going through the divorce, your attorney will help you to make informed decisions. Their goal is to ensure you have the right information needed to determine certain choices pertaining to retirement accounts, cars, homes, debt, and more. Make sure you hire someone you know you can trust to protect you during this time!


Another good characteristic of a divorce attorney is how available they are to their clients. Do they return your phone calls, emails, and text messages? Is it easy for you to get in for an appointment? A good attorney will make their clients a priority, and that shows in how they treat you.

At the Law Offices of David W. Knecht, we are here to protect your legal rights. If you are dealing with a divorce in the Vacaville area, we are here to help. Our legal professionals have extensive experience practicing family law. Let us represent you. 

Think Like a Lawyer:  DUI Defenses

If you’ve been charged with a DUI, don’t give up on a powerful defense. This article will explain key DUI defenses that you can discuss with your lawyer to plan an attack against the prosecution’s evidence:

Reasonable Suspicion for the Stop. Examine the reason for the stop.  Did the officer observe a violation of the law?  Or did he pull you over because of a guess or a prejudice?  The officer must have reasonable suspicion that the driver or passenger have committed, is committing or will commit a crime.  Reasonable suspicion is more than a hunch and has to be based on specific facts.  If the officer can’t justify the stop, then your attorney can file a Motion to Suppress the evidence.  If the motion is successful, the prosecution will typically not have the evidence available to convict you.

Don’t Assume the Blood Alcohol Tests Are Irrefutable. A test is intimidating evidence, but there are still ways to undermine the reliability of this evidence against you:

  • Undermine the reliability of the testing procedures.
    • Did the administrator of the test have the proper training?
    • Were the testing procedures followed with exactness?
    • Was the device functioning properly?
    • Were there results that were inconsistent with each other?
    • Did they observe you prior to the DUI?
    • Were you smoking, eating, drinking, burping, vomiting, etc. prior to or during the test?
  • Rising Blood Alcohol. The relevant point in time for blood alcohol level is at the moment you are driving.  If your blood alcohol level goes up after you are arrested because the alcohol is absorbing into the blood stream, then you have an argument that the test is not accurate to the level while you were driving.
    • The amount of food that is consumed, the gender of the driver, and other factors may play into whether the blood alcohol defense can be credibly asserted
  • Medical Problem Defense. The key point here is whether you have a medical problem that would render the results inaccurate.
    • Do you have a medical condition such as asthma or emphysema that affects your lung capacity and ability to blow into a machine?

Fight the Officer’s Observations and Field Sobriety Tests.

  • The key here is to undermine the validity of the tests. Do you have a medical condition?  Were there weather conditions?  Did the officer explain and administer the tests properly?
  • tests, or if correct instructions were not given, then you can question the reliability of the conclusions drawn from the tests.

Don’t give up.  There are many possible defenses in your case, so consult with your attorney.




Visitation Rights of Grandparents in California

Are you a grandparent who adores your grandchildren and is concerned about visitation in the event of divorce?  This article will help you understand your rights as a grandparent.

  1. Can a grandparent ask the court for visitation?

Yes, a grandparent can ask the court for reasonable visitation.  In order to grant that request, a court has to evaluate two factors:  1) there has to be a bond already in existence between grandparent and grandchild, such that the visitation is in the best interest of the child, and 2) the court has to balance the best interest of the child in having visitation with the parents’ right to make decisions about their child.

  1. Can the grandparents take action to get visitation if the parents are still married?

Generally, no, the court will not order visitation for a grandparent if the parents are still married.  The exceptions to this general rule include:

  • Grandchild has been adopted by a stepparent
  • Child does not live with either parent
  • One of the parents joins the grandparents in their petition for visitation
  • A parent’s whereabouts are unknown
  • The parents are living separately
  1. Where can I find more information about grandparent custody rights? 

California Family Code section 3100-3105 can provide more information about grandparent custody rights.  You could also consult an experienced family law firm, such as David Knecht Law.

  1. How does a grandparent ask for visitation in court? What is the process?

A grandparent can file a petition in court to ask the court to order visitation with a grandchild. In general, the first step would be to find out if there is an existing case already open or whether the grandparent needs to start the case themselves. The next step would be to file the appropriate paperwork and serve those on the parents. Subsequently, a hearing or mediation may be scheduled. When the judge makes a decision, he or she will sign a court order.

A grandparent can add security, love, and wisdom to a grandchild’s life.  If you are a grandparent who is concerned about securing the legal right to visit your loved one, contact a firm that is experienced in family law, David Knecht Law.


Alimony: Federal Tax Code Changes

There’s a change to the tax code that could impact you.  If your divorce is final after December 31, 2018, then alimony will no longer be deductible in your federal taxes if you are the person paying the alimony.  It will no longer be included in your gross income if you are the person receiving alimony.

Where does the new rule come from?

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), signed into law in 2017 will end the alimony-payer deduction and the payee’s income inclusion for agreements executed in after 2018.

Is there a “grandfather clause”?

Yes, alimony agreements executed on or before December 31, 2018, are grandfathered in.  Also, if you later modify an agreement that was executed prior to December 31, 2018, then you can choose to stay grandfathered in or adopt the new rule.

How is the new rule different than the old rule?

The old rule was that the alimony was tax deductible and the money paid to the spouse was included in income.  The new rule is that the party paying alimony no longer gets the deduction and the person receiving it now doesn’t have to report those amounts as income.

Does this change California State tax?

No, the new rule relates to federal taxation but not state taxes.  Your California state tax rules will remain the same.

What’s the practical effect of this change?

The general impact is that overall more taxes will likely be paid because previously the payor spouse received a tax break through a reduction of their gross income, and the receiving spouse was at a lower income. For each couple, though, the practical impact of this may vary.  There may be other strategies that can be employed that have tax advantages to both parties, so consult with a Fairfield lawyer to find out the best options for your particular circumstances.